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Sorrento septic tank maintenance

How Often Do You Need Sorrento Septic Tank Maintenance? Our Experts Break It Down

Maintaining your septic system can be worry-free with a bit of knowledge. Here are some tips from our Sorrento septic tank maintenance experts about how often you should get your septic system checked.

If your home has a septic system, you need to know how it works and how to keep it working properly for the long term. You may have questions if you’re new to septic systems, such as:

  • How often do you need to have it checked? 
  • When should you get it pumped out? 
  • What do you do if something breaks? 
  • How do you know if it’s not working correctly? 

If you have these questions and more, you’re in luck because our team of Sorrento septic tank maintenance experts is here to help.

When Should You Get Your Septic System Checked?

The Environmental Protection Agency recommends that all septic systems get checked every three to five years. At Acme, we take it a step further and suggest having our technicians check your septic system every one to three years. If you have a full household, you may need maintenance more often. 

The best way to know how often your septic system should be checked is to have us take a look. You can use our online form to schedule a free estimate on any septic system work that needs to be done. We can also put you on a regular maintenance schedule so you don’t need to worry about scheduling in the future. 

Do You Need To Have Your System Pumped Regularly?

As you use water in your home, wastewater fills up your septic tank. Although some of this water filters through your drain field and percolates through the soil, the actual waste is left behind. That waste builds up and will eventually need to be pumped out.

Part of your regular Sorrento septic tank maintenance includes pumping and cleaning your septic tank. We will also inspect your drain field and check to make sure your system is working properly.

What Should You Do If Your System Isn’t Working Properly?Sorrento septic tank maintenance

In between maintenance appointments, you may need us to evaluate your system and repairs may be needed. If you notice any of these signs, call us right away:

  • Foul odors
  • Water pooling above your septic tank
  • Toilets and sinks draining slowly

These could be signs of a system failure that needs repair and they could also mean it’s time for a Sorrento septic tank maintenance appointment. If you have added residents to your home or increased your water usage, you may need to adjust your maintenance schedule.

How Can You Avoid Emergency Repairs?

As mentioned above, maintaining your septic tank is relatively easy if you keep a few things in mind. It’s important to remember that everything, and we mean everything, you flush or put down your sinks goes into your septic tank. 

And if it isn’t biodegradable, it will not be broken down by your septic tank’s bacteria. Putting too many imperishable materials into your septic tank will cause it to fill up quicker and could cause major overflow issues.

As a general rule, avoid putting these items into your septic system:

  • Flushable wipes
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Dental floss
  • Cigarette butts
  • Coffee grounds
  • Anything that’s not biodegradable

What you can put into your septic system is a short list:

  • Water
  • Human waste

Follow these rules and your system should function properly with a regular cleaning schedule set up by our Sorrento septic tank maintenance team at Acme. 

If you are new to your septic system and need to set up a maintenance schedule, or if you’re thinking of switching to Acme, contact us to take a look at your septic system. Our technicians have been servicing eastern and central Florida for over 30 years, and we look forward to adding you to our community.

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