If you’re new to septic ownership and interested in scheduling your first Heathrow septic pumping appointment, you may have some questions about the process, including how long a pump-out lasts.
Septic pumping is one of the most valuable services available for your septic system. When performed on a routine basis, pump-outs help you to avoid septic problems such as:
Foul odors floating around your yard
Plumbing backups
A flooded yard
Spending extra money on septic tank or drain field repair
If you are new to septic ownership or have plans that would conflict with a septic emergency, it is helpful to know exactly how much time to allot for a pump-out appointment.
Before you start worrying that you will have to completely rearrange your schedule, we are happy to inform you that pump-outs should only require about one hour for a certified septic technician to complete. Let’s look at what a standard Heathrow septic pumping appointment involves and how you can prepare for yours.
What Are The Steps Involved In Septic Pumping?
The septic tank is located – A septic technician will locate your septic tank, remove any soil that covers it, and prepare to begin the pump-out.
Septic waste is removed – Acme uses commercial pump trucks equipped with hoses. The hose is lowered into the opening of your septic tank and extracts all of the solid and liquid waste from the interior.
The interior of the tank is inspected for wear or damage – After waste removal is complete, the septic technician will examine the interior of your tank. Suppose you called Acme because of a clog, plumbing backup, or a flooded yard. In that case, this phase of the maintenance process will allow the septic technician to identify the possible causes of these problems.
The septic tank lid is replaced – Once your septic tank is cleaned and ready to go, your septic technician will replace the lid.
Factors That Affect The Time It Takes To Perform A Pump-Out
Size of the tank
Amount of solid waste present
Accessibility of the tank
Location of the tank
Soil quality
The expertise of the company providing services
How You Can Reduce The Time Of The Pump-Out
Stay on top of your septic care routine – The EPA recommends that septic tanks receive complete pump-out services at least once every 3-5 years. If you place Heathrow septic pumping services high on your list of septic maintenance tasks, your tank will be better maintained, and services will take less time.
If you need help remembering when you are due for your next appointment, Acme offers automated reminders that you may receive via text message or email.
Don’t try to pump your septic tank yourself – Septic tank pumping should always be performed by a certified septic technician. Attempting to turn septic pumping into a DIY project presents several serious risks, including injuring yourself, damaging your septic tank or drain field, overlooking damaged parts, and more. While pumping your septic tank on your own may seem like it will save you time and money, you will likely spend more of both if something goes wrong.
Install septic risers – Septic risers allow greater ease of access to your septic system, potentially reduce the cost of labor, and eliminate the need for the septic technician to dig up your yard. Risers save both time and money by simplifying any septic service job.
Acme: Pumping Out Results For Over 30 Years
We don’t know what you like to pump. Maybe you’re into pumping iron. Maybe the gas pedal on your car. We like pumping septic tanks.
Contact us today for high-quality and efficient Heathrow septic pumping!
Now is the time to schedule your routine maintenance septic pump out!Schedule Now