Serving The Central Florida Area

Flooded septic tank

Septic Tanks In The Swamp: A Rising Concern

Septic tanks are some of the most vital components of a smoothly-running household or business. However, these structures must be installed to avoid a flooded septic tank. Learn more about how to avoid problems such as clogs, breakdown, and septic flooding, with Acme

For all of their contributions, septic tanks aren’t normally a topic of our thoughts during the day. Thankfully, septic systems don’t require a lot of attention, as long as regular maintenance takes place. Problems begin when environmental factors or lack of pump-outs, inspection, and failure to replace damaged parts come into play. Septic flooding is one potential problem home and business owners will want to avoid. Read on to learn more about how to prevent this and other potential septic problems. 

Common Issues That Create Complications For Septic Tanks

Located too close to trees and shrubs – Septic tanks and drain fields must be installed in a location where trees and shrubs are unable to reach and puncture their components. As we know, trees and shrubs have plenty of far-reaching, powerful roots. Their roots seek environments that provide moisture and nutrients, like your septic tank or drain field. If the roots come into contact with either one of these, they can puncture them, leading to expensive damages, flooding, and perhaps total system failure. 

If you’re planning to plant a garden or other landscaping projects, read up on helpful guidelines to learn more about septic-friendly plants, trees, and other structures. 

Installed too close to the water table – If you’re not familiar with the term “water table,” it refers to the level at which groundwater sits in proximity to the surface of the ground. Septic tanks should be installed in a location that does not present the danger of septic flooding.

However, this topic has become more and more significant over the last several years due to rising water table levels in Florida. If the water table is able to reach levels that submerse your septic tank’s components, septic waste is able to escape and cause contamination. 

How Septic Owners Can Avoid A Flooded Septic System

Contact a professional company for any installation – Whether you’re new to septic ownership or replacing your old system, it helps to do some research and find a commercial septic service with a reliable reputation to perform the job. Check for qualities like:

  • Local expertise
  • Fast and easy communication
  • Positive reviews 
  • Comprehensive knowledge  
  • Licensed technicians 

When you’re deciding to install something that should last for up to 50 years, it’s critical to hire a company that can deliver the best. Here are a couple of reviews shared by our customers: 

“I am a real estate broker, investor, and property manager, and Acme Environmental has been our “go to” septic service for years. From simple pump-outs to installing new systems & drainfields, they do it all, on time and at a very fair price. These are the reasons I have them on speed dial. You should too!”  – Gordon C. 

“Thank you, Acme, for your quick and professional service. Having septic problems is right up there with car problems or sick kids. Keeping your septic system healthy makes for a happier home. I appreciate knowing you are there when a problem arises. (Pun intended).” – Pat L. 

Don’t try to repair or pump your septic tank on your own – Septic tank pump-outs should never be on your list of upcoming DIY projects. Homeowners should always seek out the expertise of a professional company in order to avoid:

  • Exposure to contaminants found in raw sewage
  • Physical safety risks
  • Damaging your septic system  

The interior of most septic tanks may not seem to be all that complicated – but attempting to work on one without proper training and licensure may result in significant consequences. Septic technicians are trained to identify cracks and weaknesses in septic tanks, understand electronic components, such as alarms and monitors, and can make recommendations about further service needs. Relying on a professional septic service can also help ensure lower incidences of clogs, backups, and septic flooding.  

Additionally, septic technicians are trained to properly handle and dispose of septic waste following pump-outs and cleanings. They have access to designated disposal sites where waste is treated in a safe, eco-friendly manner. Flooded septic tank

Keep a regular maintenance schedule – When it comes to services that prevent septic flooding, pump-outs probably come out on top. Septic pump-outs are performed by a team of trained septic technicians who use professional-grade equipment to remove waste from your septic tank. Without routine service, buildup that leads to septic flooding can occur, and your septic system will begin to run less efficiently overall. 

If you haven’t scheduled your next septic pump-out with Acme, put it on your to-do list – we offer automated appointment reminders that notify you before your appointment. 

Acme Wants You To Be Worry-Free – Not Stressed Out Over Septic Problems

Contact us for septic maintenance, repair, installation, and more.


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