If you’ve ever had a pump-out performed by a septic pump truck service, you have probably observed that waste from your septic tank is carried into the tank of a pump truck. Have you ever wondered, “Where do septic pump trucks dump waste?” The answer to this question helps us to understand more about septic care and how our environment is affected by wastewater management.
Every time you receive a septic pump-out, the waste from your septic tank is transferred into the tank of a vehicle called a pump truck, or vacuum truck. When the pump-out is complete and you’ve said goodbye to the service team, you may have wondered where waste from septic tanks finally goes. The question, “Where do septic pump trucks dump waste?” relates to how you care for your septic system, and partly determines the quality of the septic company you choose. Keep reading to learn some interesting points on this topic.
Types Of Treatment Facilities
There are a few different types of locations where septic companies dispose of waste. Two of the most common are:
- Municipal waste treatment plants
- Private or public septage treatment facilities
Municipal waste treatment plants are designed to serve more densely populated areas, such as cities and towns. While these types of treatment plants generally handle waste from large sewer systems, most locations accept and provide further treatment for waste from septic systems.
Private or public septage treatment facilities treat waste pumped from septic tanks, portable toilets, and other onsite systems. The difference between septage treatment facilities and municipal wastewater treatment plants lies in the level of treatment, with municipal treatment plants providing more advanced processing.
Wherever the waste from your septic tank ends up, it should be responsibly and lawfully handled by the septic company that services your septic system. Instead of having to worry when considering the question, “Where do septic pump trucks dump their waste?” you can have peace of mind knowing that Acme only disposes of waste according to state and local regulations.
How Septic Maintenance Impacts Wastewater Treatment
While septic systems are built to last, they aren’t designed to handle whatever fits down the toilet or washes down the drain. Objects such as paper towels, dental floss, baby wipes, and other non-septic-safe materials build up within your septic tank over time and can cause drain field failure, increase the rate at which your septic system breaks down, and lead to other problems such as clogs, overflow, and plumbing backups. Washing substances such as fats, grease, and oils down the drain can impair the efficiency of your septic system and negatively impact the environment.
Practicing routine maintenance is the best way that septic owners can ensure that their septic system functions efficiently and lasts for decades. Here are some of our best recommendations for septic owners:
- Schedule a septic inspection once every 1-3 years
- Have routine pump-outs performed once every 3-5 years
- Promptly repair damaged parts when needed
- Upgrade to a highly efficient wastewater treatment system, such as an aerobic treatment unit
If septic owners prioritize daily and routine care, the result will be a stress-free experience that will minimally impact your wallet and your environment.
Need help remembering the date of your pump-out or inspection? Acme also offers automated text messages or email reminders for your appointments.
Dump Worries About Where Your Septic Waste Ends Up With Acme
The next time you’re wondering, “Where do septic pump trucks dump all of that nasty, foul-smelling waste?” You can be sure that it’s going to a safe, approved location with us.
Contact our septic pump truck service for efficient, environmentally friendly pump-outs!