Serving The Central Florida Area

Residential septic system designs

Local County’s Growing Pains – And How Septic Can Help

Septic systems play an essential role in maintaining a sanitary natural environment and providing a way to safely handle and treat residential and commercial wastewater. Acme explains how residential septic system designs reduce the risk of pollution in our communities and water sources. 

Without septic systems, residential communities would face some very challenging problems. Among these challenges is the pollution of natural water sources such as rivers, streams, and oceans, illness, and environmental damage. However, septic systems must be designed and implemented in communities in ways that effectively treat waste and prevent contamination. Without proper waste treatment and disposal, sanitation levels decline, and the cost of waste management increases, as many of the residents of Polk County, Florida have found. 

Septic Waste Problems Facing Local Florida Community

Three cities in Polk County, Florida, are facing different problems, primarily due to a lack of water supply and the shutdown of a waste disposal site that was previously relied upon.

  • Auburndale, Florida, lacks the sewer capacity to support its residents.
  • Dundee, Florida, lacks sufficient water supply to support its housing development.
  • Lakeland, Florida, is now left without a nearby waste disposal site, even though its previously used site was controversial for its practices.

The proposed solution to dealing with these problems is risky and expensive. 

The “Solution” To Polk County’s Lack Of Space And Water Supply

To counter the lack of a convenient water supply, authorities in Polk County have chosen to drill into the lower level of the Floridian Aquifer. The problem with this plan is that it will cost six million dollars to accomplish, an expense that most individual counties cannot afford. The water that lies in this aquifer is also extremely brackish, containing high levels of salt, and would require extensive treatment to be suitable for use. 

Septic System Design And Effective Waste Treatment Residential septic system designs

Residential septic system designs must be capable of effectively treating waste and meet environmental and local regulations. ATUs, or aerobic treatment units, are a type of septic system that can help homeowners meet this criteria. These septic systems use oxygen instead of the anaerobic process that is used by traditional septic systems to break down waste. The aerobic treatment process and advanced technology allows ATUs to operate with greater efficiency and reduces the risk of environmental damage. 

ATUs are also ideal for homeowners who live on properties with limited space, like many of the residents of Polk County. Traditional septic systems require larger amounts of space in part because of the size of their drain field, which is where an integral part of the wastewater treatment process takes place. Polk County has experienced a nearly 28% growth in its population between 2010 and 2022, which means greater levels of congestion and less space for traditional septic systems. 

ATUs, on the other hand, require much less square footage for their drain fields compared to traditional septic systems, significantly reducing the need for more space in already heavily populated areas. 

How Acme Helps

Companies that install and maintain ATUs must have specialized training and hold certification to do so. ATUs are equipped with pumps, aerators, and timers that make them more efficient and environmentally friendly than their traditional counterparts. Because traditional systems are not equipped with this same type of technology, only certified technicians with a thorough understanding of how to care for ATUs are able to provide service for them. 

Acme technicians are trained and certified to install and maintain ATUs. If you live in a region with limited space or are looking to upgrade to a septic system that impacts the environment less, contact us

Contact Acme For Safe, Environmentally-Friendly Septic Services

Residential septic system designs matter when it comes to efficiently treating wastewater and contributing to a healthier planet. 

Contact us today for septic installation, maintenance, and repairs.

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