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How Much Does It Cost To Pump Out A Septic Tank

How Much Does It Cost To Pump Out A Septic Tank?

Pump outs are a highly beneficial maintenance service that keeps your septic system running for decades. The next question is: “How much does it cost to pump out a septic tank?” Our Orange City septic company brings you the answer.

Septic pump outs are one of the most effective services for keeping your septic tank clean and running efficiently. If you’re new to septic ownership, you may ask, “How much does it cost to pump out a septic tank?” 

Good question. 

Because you’ll receive regular pump outs once every 3-5 years, it helps to get an idea of how much maintenance will cost over time. On average, a septic pump out will cost between $300-$500, which varies depending on factors such as household size, location, and the age of your septic system. 

Let’s take a closer look at what a septic pump out is, how the cost is broken down, and what it accomplishes for your septic system. 

What Is A Septic Pump Out?

Septic pump outs are a service that is performed using a large pump truck and other equipment to remove solid and liquid waste from the interior of your septic tank. 

When you use the sinks, toilets, and showers in your home, the wastewater that flows from these fixtures travels into your septic tank. Once in the tank, waste is broken down and treated until it is suitable to run into your septic drain field. After wastewater has flowed through your drain field, it is redistributed back into the earth. That means that septic tanks are kind of like a water recycling agent. 

However, if the interior of a septic tank is not routinely cleaned, solid and liquid waste eventually builds up, which is where septic pump outs come in. 

Factors That Affect The Cost Of A Septic Pump Out

Size of the home – The size of your home affects the cost of a septic pump out because larger homes generally have larger septic tanks. These larger tanks are able to manage the amount of wastewater that a larger home produces, but they also require more time and effort to thoroughly pump, clean, and inspect for damages

Larger homes may also have more occupants than smaller homes, which means that more frequent pump outs may be required. 

Number of bathrooms – The number of bathrooms in your home also affects the septic pump out cost. Even if a home is on the smaller side, it’s possible that there are more bathrooms or that more total occupants are using the bathrooms. 

If there are multiple bathrooms, including toilets and showers, more wastewater will be produced, which will increase the overall cost of a pump out. 

Age of your home and septic system – Unless the septic system has been replaced at some point, older homes also generally have older septic systems. This means that your septic system could have structural differences compared to more modern systems, or it could be more challenging to access due to the way it was installed. 

Whether or not your septic system has a filter – A septic system filter, commonly called an effluent filter, is designed to trap solids and prevent them from entering the drain field. How Much Does It Cost To Pump Out A Septic Tank

Many older septic systems do not have filters. However, as septic regulations have evolved over time, effluent filters have become a common part of modern septic systems. Homeowners should be aware that effluent filters must be removed, cleaned, and reinstalled during a septic pump out, which increases the overall price by about $25-$75. 

Though filter cleaning slightly increases the cost of a pump out, these additions contribute to a longer-lasting and more efficient system and reduce the possibility of drain field damage.  

How To Tell If Your Septic Tank Needs To Be Pumped

The number one way to determine if your septic tank needs to be pumped is to find out when the last pump out occurred. If it’s been a few years, it’s a good idea to schedule a pump out service with our Orange City septic company. Here are a few other signs that can indicate your septic tank needs to be pumped:

  • Pooling water in your yard
  • Abnormally lush, green grass over your septic tank cover or drain field
  • Foul odors
  • Wastewater is backing up into your home 

If you notice any of these signs, give Acme a call. The amount of buildup in septic systems can affect the septic pump out cost, so make sure to schedule regular pump outs and inspections to avoid paying extra. 

Contact Acme For Affordable Septic Care

Want to take the best care of your septic system without breaking the bank? 

Contact us for pump outs, repairs, and any other septic needs. 

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